COPE Scotland
A Dynamic Mental Health, and Wellbeing Charity
COPE Scotland has a history of listening to the voices of lived experience and engaging with communities to help build capacity for individuals and communities to overcome or mitigate the impact of life challenges to have an improved sense of mental wellbeing. We were never about growing an empire but an idea and for us success means in time we are no longer needed.
What we do not offer
We do not offer a direct one to one service. The materials offered on this site are for selfcare and self-reflection for the general population aged 18 and over and do not replace professional advice. It is important that anyone needing more than this site offers seeks out professional support. In the first instance speak to your GP or check out what mental health and wellbeing services are in your area. If you live in Scotland, ALISS may be helpful for locating local services.
You may also find Glasgow Helps of value if you live in Glasgow.
If you are a young person there are a number of contacts on the Young Scot website.
Remember also, the Samaritans are there 24/7 365 by calling 116 123
Our Governance
We recognised to be led by the voices of lived experience meant those voices also had a lead role in our Governance structures, steering groups, and strategic planning. With support where necessary from external sources to ensure compliance with all the necessary policies and procedures for an effective professional organisation. This has been our practice since we began in 1991.

What makes COPE Scotland unique?
Celebrating the Journey of COPE Scotland: A Legacy of Co-Design and Collaboration
Since our inception in 1991, COPE Scotland has been passionately committed to the principles of Co-Design and co-production. Our journey has been a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and community-led initiatives. This case study by IRISS highlights the thoughtful approach we took for our one-to-one service, reflecting our dedication to creating meaningful, person-centred support.
As the landscape of support services evolved, we recognized the growing strength of peer-led and informal groups. Rather than compete for limited funding, we chose to step back, allowing these new groups space to flourish. Our focus has shifted to sharing the wealth of knowledge we've amassed over the years, offering resources and insights to address broader population-based challenges.
Our contributions have not gone unnoticed. We've been honoured with awards for social enterprise, suicide prevention, and self-management. Hilda Campbell, a cornerstone of COPE since the beginning, was awarded an MBE in the New Year’s Honours list 2022, a recognition that celebrates the collective efforts of everyone involved in COPE's journey. Read more about this honour in the QNIS blog. COPE Scotland’s philosophy has never been about the’ me’, but the ‘we’, and what we can achieve together. The Map of Change is one example of the impact we made working together with the voices of lived experience. In a world where success sometimes means being no longer needed, we are focusing on our legacy while we continue to offer ideas to promote well-being and life satisfaction in new and impactful ways.
We are known for our integrity of purpose.
Background to COPE Scotland
Originally known as C.O.P.E. (caring over people’s emotions). This was the name given by those using our service as they felt we really cared. It changed to COPE Scotland to reflect not only the fact we cared about others in the rest of Scotland, and beyond as our website offered opportunities to connect and share in new ways.
We began in 1991 led by the voices of lived experience to offer strategies to individuals to overcome life challenges and to work with communities and partner organizations to reduce those challenges or mitigate their impact where possible. Co design and production is at the heart of all we do as we believe there are many experts in the room and it’s when we combine our wisdom and experience that real impacts can be made for more people and communities.
Committed to building an idea not an empire, we have redirected our focus from one-to-one work to wider population-based work and building capacity within communities and organisations to build resilience and endurance to life stressors and find ways to report high levels of life satisfaction even when life is challenging.
COPE Scotland cares about the planet
COPE Scotland wants to be part of building a kinder world for the planet also. For our 30th birthday we started a Grove with Trees for Life, to support their vision of ''a revitalised wild forest in the Highlands of Scotland, providing space for wildlife to flourish and communities to thrive''. The Grove is entitled ''Against the odds'' a tribute to everyone who sought to prevail when the sea of life was stormy. You can find more about that here.
We also have been pleased to work with many partners sharing our Jigsaw Toolkit and ideas for climate action without despair. This short piece tells the story of one example of that work.
None of us have all the answers, and none of us get it right every time, but when we work together and learn together, we can find a way to build a kinder world for all of us and the planet where everyone can suffer less.......... against the odds